Halong Bay (Day 113): Activity Day

June 21, 2016

Our first night on the boat was very comfortable. We both slept in and didn’t make it to 6:30am tai chi. We got changed and went up to the dining room for breakfast. We got there after the Aussies and saw their table full of food… too much food. We sat down and Chris asked us what kind of eggs we wanted. They brought out eggs, bacon, sausage, croissants, and 6 slices of bread! I hope they didn’t waste all the food they prepared for us, we barely made a dent in it.

Our breakfast spread
Our breakfast spread

After breakfast, we had some free time before going to see a Halong Bay fishing village. Tim and I went up to the roof deck to lie around and read until it got too hot, and then we took refuge in our air conditioned room. Here are some of the beautiful sights we saw today. We didn’t get bored of the scenery.

We saw a lot of hawks flying around and diving into the water to fish
We saw a lot of hawks flying around and diving into the water to fish
Boats docked in Halong Bay
Boats docked in Halong Bay
We really lucked out on the weather. A week ago cruises got cancelled because of heavy rain.
We really lucked out on the weather. A week ago cruises got cancelled because of heavy rain.
We usually had the deck to ourselves during the day. We aren't as fair skinned as our Aussie cruise mates.
We usually had the deck to ourselves during the day. We aren’t as fair skinned as our Aussie cruise mates.

We arrived at the fishing village and went on a row boat to see where the fishermen and their families live. The end destination of the row boat was a fishing museum. The museum showed the history of the people living in the area and how they survived.

We took a small speed boat to the fishing village
We took a small speed boat to the fishing village
Halong Bay fishing village
Halong Bay fishing village
The houses are all floating and are anchored to the shore and attached to each other
The houses are all floating and are anchored to the shore and attached to each other
Our gateway to the fishing village museum
My best picture of jellyfish
My best picture of jellyfish

After the fishing village we went back to the boat to rest for a bit before lunch was served. Lunch was another large meal, but it was good because we would be kayaking and climbing up 400 steps in the afternoon. We had about 2 hours to digest before we made it to the next stop. Tim stayed inside to read and I attempted to do some sun tanning on the roof. I lasted for like 5 minutes before going back downstairs. The plastic from the chairs smelt like it was literally burning and the sun was scorching. I quickly went back downstairs.

Me attempting to read my Lonely Planet book outside in the afternoon. Lasted less than 5 minutes.
Me attempting to read my Lonely Planet book outside in the afternoon. Lasted less than 5 minutes.
Course 1: Prawns wrapped in deep fried potato and a deep fried squid fritter
Course 2: Corn and egg soup. Tasted like Dad’s soup!
Course 3: Fresh prawn spring rolls
Course 4: Beef stew with sesame rice (the chef likes to display his carrots the same way in all our dishes)
Course 5: Black sticky rice with yogurt
Course 5: Black sticky rice with yogurt

Kayaking was fun. We had double kayaks and we went under a cave into an enclosed area. We saw a lot of jellyfish around and I wanted to touch them with the paddle… It’s not safe to swim in deep waters right now because it’s jellyfish season and you could see them all around. I’ve never seen so many jellyfish in the wild before, so it was neat. After going through the enclosed area we went out into the open water and paddled around before going back to the boat.

Nice afternoon to kayak
Nice afternoon to kayak
Kayaking around Halong Bay
Kayaking around Halong Bay
Following our cruise mates around
Following our cruise mates around
I was in charge of the GoPro while Tim paddled. He said it was easier if he did it.
I was in charge of the GoPro while Tim paddled. He said it was easier if he did it himself and I didn’t argue.

Once we were all in the boat, we headed to the hill we were going to climb to get nice views of the bay and go swimming. When we arrived to the beach area, it was so packed with people who were on day boat tours. The beach looked pretty dirty and not that inviting. I think it’s basically the only beachy area in Halong Bay – likely man made for tourists. We started to climb the 400 stairs up to the top of the hill. We took breaks every 100 steps – Pippa was counting. The views from the top were really nice. We only brought our GoPro up so the pictures weren’t as great as we would’ve hoped for. Climbing back down the steps was more dangerous than going up. The stairs are pretty uneven and we were wearing flip flops, so we were being careful not to twist an ankle.

The view of Halong Bay after walking up 400 steps
The view of Halong Bay after walking up 400 steps
Tim swimming in the slightly dirty water
Tim swimming in the slightly dirty water

When we got to the beach, I walked into the water and it was pretty warm – probably about 25 degrees. Tim and Pippa went right into the water while I watched. The beach wasn’t nearly as crowded as it was earlier which was good. Tim was sure not to stick his head into the water as it looked pretty dirty. After about 30 minutes or so hanging out we headed out of the water and back to the boat.

We washed up and went upstairs to the roof to see the last sunset. The roof deck is so much nicer at night. Tim and I got a drink and lay around relaxing upstairs. The Aussies joined us and we waited for dinner. Before our dinner tonight, the chef was going to show us now to make spring rolls. We all got to make spring rolls and he deep fried a combination of ones he made before and the ones we rolled ourselves for our appetizer.

Our resting spot for the night
Our last beautiful night in Halong Bay
Our last beautiful night in Halong Bay
Tim's first Hanoi Beer
Tim’s first Hanoi Beer
Our chef and Chris show us how to make deep fried spring rolls
Our chef and Chris show us how to make deep fried spring rolls
Making my fat spring roll
Making my fat spring roll
Tim wanted to make his spring roll perfectly
Tim wanted to make his spring roll perfectly

Dinner tonight was served family style. Again, it was a lot of food that we didn’t come close to finishing. Everything was delicious and I enjoyed the chef’s cooking on the cruise. It was basically like home cooking, but plated nicely.

We had a Vietnamese family style dinner tonight. Didn't want to take pictures of every dish. We had fried rice, sauteed veggies, sweet potatoes, lemongrass beef, stir fry squid, spring rolls, and cucumbers & tomatoes
We had a Vietnamese family style dinner tonight. Didn’t want to take pictures of every dish but here’s a bit of what we had.  We also had fried rice, sauteed veggies, and cauliflower soup.
Fresh fruit for dessert
Fresh fruit for dessert

After dinner, Tim and I spent the evening laying on the chairs on the roof looking at the stars. It was still quite warm out but there was a nice refreshing breeze. I really enjoyed our time on the cruise and staring up at the stars from the boat was pretty magical.

We went back to our room and watched some TV that Tim had on his tablet and went to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be our last morning on the boat and then we’ll be heading back to Hanoi for the night.

Steps today: 2,000 (Tim: Again, seems low, likely because we were on a boat).

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