Taipei (Day 19): Family and Food

March 19, 2016

It was another rainy morning in Taipei, but at least it’s a lot warmer than earlier in the week. Nate was in a good mood this morning and asked to sit in his stroller after breakfast and said to my sister, “Go!”. My sister and I took him to Daan Park to walk around, but as we began walking there it started to rain even harder. So unfortunately for Nate, he wasn’t able to play in the park.

When we got back from the park, Tim and I went to grab breakfast for everyone from a restaurant down the block that has since become our new breakfast/lunch/late night eats joint – “Ya Meile”. Once we walk in, the lady behind the counter recognized us and welcomed us in. She gave us free soy milk and said it was her treat (we think she’s the boss lady, she’s really friendly and very in control of everyone). We brought some dumplings, XLBs, lo bak go (fried turnip cake) and rice rolls to bring back to the apartment. It was our second day eating at this place and it’s probably one of the cheapest restaurants we have found for good eats (for breakfast, lunch and dinner). We could feed all four of us for less than $10 CAD.

Our new favourite restaurant close by
Our new favourite restaurant close by

The rain was coming down really hard at this point in the morning so we decided to just chill out and let Nate nap. The guys stayed back at the apartment to rest while I went with my sister to walk around a bit and get some bubble tea. We headed towards Daan Park and stopped by a Coco Bubble Tea. My sister really likes their passionfruit tea with coconut jelly and pearls – it’s really refreshing and only 40 NT = $1.60 CAD! We were discussing that this drink in Vancouver would likely be around $5. We also went to try to look for a KFC so my sister and Noel could try their delicious egg tarts. We had no luck because the one I looked up that was close to Coco closed down.

After our failed attempt to find a KFC, we walked by a beautiful indoor flower market – if only we actually lived here I would buy fresh flowers and an assortment of succulents.

Entrance to the Jianguo flower market
Entrance to the Jianguo flower market


Mini succulents!
Mini succulents!

On the way back to the apartment, we stopped by a restaurant that looked like a very popular lunch spot a few blocks away (Tim: Ruei An Taiwan Buffet). It was a self-serve lunch bar but we weren’t sure if they charged by the box/plate or if they weighed it. We didn’t see any signs with a fixed price so we assumed it was by weight, as people weren’t going crazy filling up their boxes/plates. We picked a few things to share and went to the counter to pay. There wasn’t a scale, but the cashier counted everything with her tongs and charged us for what we had. For a pretty full box we paid 90 NT = $3.60 CAD.

Selection from the "buffet" - I liked the jelly fish cucumber salad the best. We had a pretty full box for 90 NT = $3.60 CAD
Selection from the “buffet” – I liked the jelly fish cucumber salad the best.

When we got back to the apartment, Nate was waking up from his nap (such good timing). We got ready and headed to Zhongxiao Fuxing to go to SOGO (Japanese department store). I’m always impressed by children’s toy floors at department stores here. They have a huge selection of toys and a variety of arts and craft stations around- like sewing, embroidery, clay making, painting, etc.

Kid's level at SOGO
Kid’s level at SOGO
Nate trying on some shoes at New Balance
Nate trying on some shoes at New Balance at SOGO. Lucky boy was the only one who got something here.

After SOGO, we walked down Zhongxiao Road towards Ice Monster. We wanted to stop by before dinner to get a popsicle as we wouldn’t have enough time before meeting the Ho family for dinner. As it was a Saturday afternoon, there was a huge line up for Ice Monster if you wanted to eat in. We got two popsicles (passionfruit and mango) just to try. They were perfect for Nate – super mini popsicles for 30 NT = $1.20 CAD.

Nate taking his first lick before eating it all himself
Nate taking his first lick before eating it all himself

We met Auntie Sandra, Uncle Dave and Kris for dinner at the original location of Shin Yeh. They were in town for the weekend so it was perfect timing that we were all able to meet up. Uncle Dave ordered a lot of classic Taiwanese dishes for us to try (I forget to take pictures).

Us outside of Shin Yeh
Us outside of Shin Yeh with Kris, Auntie Sandra and Uncle Dave

After dinner we headed back to the apartment to put Nate to sleep before heading out to the Tonghua Night Market. My sister was exhausted so she decided to stay back and just go to bed early (it’s hard being a Mom…). We’ll come back to this night market again with her when we get back from Kenting – it’s close to Tim’s uncle’s apartment, where we’ll be staying for their last night in Taipei.

Oyster pancake (60 NT = $2.40 CAD). This stand was better than the one we had here last time.
Oyster Omelette (60 NT = $2.40 CAD). This stand was better than the one we had here last time.
The older lady who was cooking
The older lady who was cooking the oyster omelette
Masa's spring roll ice cream (40 NT = $1.60 CAD). A Tongua Night Market favourite (for Tim at least)
Masa’s spring roll ice cream (40 NT = $1.60 CAD). A Tongua Night Market favourite (for Tim at least)
Popular fruit lady. Noel got cut guavas from her, 2 for 50 NT = $2.50 CAD
Popular fruit lady. Noel got cut guavas from her, 2 for 50 NT = $2.50 CAD
This guy was working by himself - taking orders, prepping the chicken for frying, frying the chicken, cutting the cutting into bite sized pieces, tossing the chicken into different sauce/flavour choices
This guy was working by himself – taking orders, prepping the chicken for frying, frying the chicken, cutting the chicken into bite sized pieces, tossing the chicken in different sauce/flavour choices
100 NT = $4 CAD. The garlic to chicken ratio is a bit high for my liking but Tim was definitely enjoying it
100 NT = $4 CAD. The garlic to chicken ratio is a bit high for my liking but Tim was definitely enjoying it. (Tim: There’s no such thing as too much garlic)
The dried fruit lady that we like to buy dried plums and guava from. Small bags are 50 NT = $2 CAD and large bags are 100 NT = $4 CAD
The dried fruit lady that we like to buy dried plums and guava from. Small bags are 50 NT = $2 CAD and large bags are 100 NT = $4 CAD

Now we’re back at the apartment, all ready to go to sleep. We’re planning on going to church tomorrow at the Holy Family Catholic Church close by (on the other side of Daan Park). There’s one English service there on Sundays at 9:45am.

Our total step count for today was 21,045 (I walked a bit more than Tim because I had two separate walks to Daan Park without him 😛 )

Taipei (Day 16): Hello, Pigeon

March 16, 2016

This morning started much like yesterday – early in the morning except this time I went back to bed after initially waking up at 6am. Everyone got ready to leave the apartment around 10:30am. Today’s weather was a bit better than yesterday’s – it was still overcast but at least it wasn’t really raining and if it was raining it was just a fine mist.

We decided to go to the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall – ticking off another Taipei attraction off the list for our visitors. Once we arrived, Nate immediately wanted to walk around the square himself. He was much happier today than yesterday. To be fair, I wasn’t too happy yesterday at the museum either so I understand his frustrations (Tim: always good to compare the state of your mood with a 1.5 year old). We took our time and walked around and up the stairs to the CKS statue. The Frozen exhibit was still set up and will run until April – it’s unfortunate that the exhibit is there as it’s a bit of an eye sore.

Nate checking out the National Concert Hall
Hello, pigeons! Nate liked to chase them around the square saying hello
“Hello, pigeons!” Nate liked to chase them around the square saying hello
Nate popping a squat
Nate popping a squat
Nate walking down the stairs - what a big boy!
Nate walking down the stairs – what a big boy!

After we took our pictures, we headed towards Yong Kang Street in search of lunch. This street is about a 8-10 minute walk from the CKS Memorial. As we went up the street, we decided to try beef noodles at 品山西刀削麵之家 (Taiwan Yi Pin Ramen and Sliced Noodle) that was on CNN’s list of best Taiwan beef noodles and has won a bunch of beef noodle awards (which most restaurants have as well). This beef noodle specializes in their tomato beef broth, which is unique, but I prefer the beef noodles from Lin Dong Fang. We’ll have to take them there another day.

We also stopped to get another Taiyaki snack to share and a bubble tea to go. We’re averaging one and half a bubble tea per day.

Walking down Yong Kang
Walking down Yong Kang
Inside Lu Wang Beef Noodle
Inside Yi Pin Ramen and Sliced Noodle (Tim: Aka pulled and cut noodles)
Our side dishes: seaweed, bean curd "noodles", cucumbers (30 NT each = $1.22 CAD)
Our side dishes: seaweed, bean curd “noodles”, cucumbers (30 NT each = $1.22 CAD)


Beef noodle in their tomato beef broth (160 NT = $6.50 CAD)
Beef noodle in their tomato beef broth (160 NT = $6.50 CAD)
Regular beef noodle (140 NT = $5.60 CAD)
Regular beef noodle with thick noodles (140 NT = $5.60 CAD)
Outside the beef noodle restaurant (品山西刀削麵之家)
Outside the beef noodle restaurant (品山西刀削麵之家)
Croissant Tayakis - same as what we had yesterday except with croissant outside - yum! 45 NT = $1.80 CAD
Croissant Tayakis – same as what we had yesterday except with croissant outside – yum! 45 NT = $1.80 CAD
Ordered passion fruit tea with pearls and coconut jelly (40 NT = $1.60 CAD)
Coco Bubble Tea: Ordered passion fruit tea with pearls and coconut jelly (40 NT = $1.60 CAD)
Really busy shaved ice place - we'll try it on a warmer day
Really busy shaved ice place – we’ll try it on a warmer day

We made our way back to the apartment so Nate and Noel (think he caught something) could rest this afternoon. My sister and I headed back out to buy groceries at Jason’s (a Singaporean based grocery store). They had a good selection of local and international items. We mainly picked up groceries for Nate’s lunches and dinners.

After Nate went down for the night, my sister, Tim, and I went to a restaurant close by, called Ya Meile. It was a place we got take out from yesterday for Noel. The lady recognized us and was probably wondering why Tim was always bringing his non-Taiwanese friends (as she called us) to this place. We ordered 2 bowls of meat sauce dried noodles, pot-stickers, pan-fried dumplings, boiled dumplings, green onion pancake with egg inside, and a congee (for Noel). All this food came out to $10 CAD.

This place seems to be open 24 hours, and is always busy
This place seems to be open 24 hours, and is always busy
Pan fried dumplings and potstickers (30 NT each = $1.22 CAD)
Pan fried dumplings and potstickers (30 NT each = $1.22 CAD)
Pork dried noodles , it tasted better than it looks (40 NT = $1.60 CAD)
Pork dried noodles , it tasted better than it looks (40 NT = $1.60 CAD)

After dinner we went to 50 Lan to grab some bubble tea to bring back to the apartment. We spent the rest of the night watching Netflix and relaxing.

This is the drink we've gotten twice (35 NT = $1.40 CAD)
This is the drink we’ve gotten twice (35 NT = $1.40 CAD)

We’re planning on going to the Taipei Zoo tomorrow since the weather is supposed to be sunny – we haven’t seen sun in Taiwan for over a week!

Our steps for today was 12,200.