Rotorua (Day 92): Lady Knox Geyser, Lake, and Polynesian Spa

May 31, 2016

We set an alarm to wake up in time to watch the Lady Knox Geyser erupt at 10:15am. Robin read about it the night before and was interested in checking it out. By the time we got ready and checked out, we had 20 minutes before the eruption and it took about 25 minutes to actually drive there. When we pulled up to the parking lot, we ran to the geyser and saw the presenter still talking about New Zealand’s geysers, so it was perfect timing!

Highway from Rotorua to Waiotapu
Highway from Rotorua to Waiotapu
Entrance to the Lady Knox Geyser
Entrance to the Lady Knox Geyser

As soon as the presenter stopped talking, the geyser began erupting, like clockwork. The geyser could erupt for up to an hour (unusually long). After about 5 minutes, everyone left after taking their photos. We stayed around to see the eruption end, but after about 20 minutes, we gave up and left, as did the other people who were waiting around. Tim felt sad for the geyser because it was still erupting with no one watching. People’s attention spans are so short, and I guess it was also starting to rain.

Lady Knox Geyser erupting
Lady Knox Geyser erupting at full force
Close up of the geyser as the weather began to change
Close up of the geyser as the weather began to change
We've seen a lot of rainbows because of the bipolar weather
We’ve seen a lot of rainbows because of the bipolar weather

When we first arrived, there was a sign that said to be ready to show your tickets. We didn’t realize it cost money see the geyser because Robin read it was free. It worked out perfectly that we were slightly late because there was no one checking tickets when we rushed in. We ended up seeing the geyser and other sights around the Waiotapu area for free. I looked online tonight and apparently the sights were $32.60 NZD per person!

On our way out of the Waitapu area, we saw signs for a mud bath so we decided to check it out. The mud bath was another hot spring which made mud bubble up. Rotorua is a lot like the onsen town of Beppu in Japan, where we went around to all the different “hell” hot springs. It ended up being a similar day since we planned on going to a hot spring spa too.

Waiotapu area looks like Jurassic Park could be filmed here with the geothermal steam and all the fern like trees
Waiotapu area looks like Jurassic Park could be filmed here with the geothermal steam and all the fern like trees
Mud Bath at Waiotapu
Mud Bath at Waiotapu

We made our way back into Rotorua’s CBD for lunch. Jess read about a brunch restaurant in Lonely Planet called, Third Place Cafe, so we decided to go there. It was a casual cafe where you order at the counter and they bring the food out to you. The breakfast and lunch menu looked really good so I was excited to try it out. I ordered a “Roasted Kumara Mumble Jumble” breakfast and Tim ordered the “Middle Eastern Spring Lamb Platter”. Both dishes were really good. We were both happily satisfied. If we ever go back to Rotorua, I would definitely eat here again.

Third Place Cafe counter, Rotorua
Third Place Cafe counter, Rotorua
Kumara Mumble Jumble: roasted kumara (Maori sweet potatoes), carmelized onions, chorizo, poached egg, roasted tomatoes ($17.50 NZD = $15.40 CAD)
Kumara Mumble Jumble: roasted kumara (Maori sweet potatoes), carmelized onions, chorizo, poached egg, roasted tomatoes ($17.50 NZD = $15.40 CAD)
Lamb Platter: falafels, hummus, mint yogurt, sliced lamb, pita and salad ($18.50 NZD = $16.25 CAD)
Lamb Platter: falafels, hummus, mint yogurt, sliced lamb, pita and salad ($18.50 NZD = $16.25 CAD)
View from Third Place Cafe
View from Third Place Cafe. You can see Rotorua’s hot springs steaming from the vents around town and Lake Rotorua.

After lunch we headed to Lake Rotorua, which is the second largest lake on the North Island. We walked along the walkway of the lake and around a park and saw a lot of birds. There were a lot of black swans in the water, which I haven’t seen so up close before. There were also large gangs of New Zealand geese, which are large and white.

Some friendly black swans
Some friendly black swans
New Zealand geese making a lot of noise
New Zealand geese making a lot of weird noises
Nice forested walkway
Not sure what kind of tree this was but it looked neat/different
Nice forested walkway along the side of Lake Rotorua
Sulphur Point - there is a strong sulphur (rotten egg) smell in Rotorua
Sulphur Point – there is a strong sulphur (rotten egg) smell in Rotorua
I've never seen these birds before!
First time seeing these birds. The people in the car were feeding the birds bread.
Rotorua Museum and Maori War Memorial
Rotorua Museum and Maori War Memorial
Still looks like Autumn to me. Winter officially starts tomorrow.
Still looks like Autumn to me. Winter officially starts tomorrow.
Lake Rotorua
Lake Rotorua

Rotorua is full of beautiful lakes, geothermal sights, Maori cultural centres, and spas. It was still fairly early in the afternoon so we decided to check out another lake in the area before going to the Polynesian Spa to end our time in town. We drove about 10 minutes to Lake Tikitapu (Blue Lake) where I hung out close to the car to admire the view and everyone else went for a quick walk through the forest.

We've seen more cows than we have sheep
On the ride to Lake Tikitapu. We’ve seen more cows than we have sheep
Lake Tikitapu (this totally looks like BC)
Lake Tikitapu (this totally looks like BC)

We drove to the Polynesian Spa and decided to go into the “adult pools” ($27 NZD = $23.75 CAD). The Polynesian Spa is a geothermal spa that backs on to Lake Rotorua. The adult pool area had several different hot spring pools at different temperatures, ranging from 38-43°C. It was a nice and relaxing way to end our day in Rotorua. There was a Korean tour there at the same time we were, and at one point Tim and I were in a pool with the majority of them and we felt like we were back in Seoul. Too bad we didn’t know any Korean!

Hanging out in the "Priest Spa", named after a Catholic priest who had chronic arthritis and he bathed in these hot springs and was cured.
Hanging out in the “Priest Spa”, named after a Catholic priest who had chronic arthritis and he bathed in these hot springs and was cured.
So many seagulls in flight
So many seagulls in flight
Some of the hot spring water that was off limits
Some of the hot spring water that was off limits

We washed up and left at a good time because a Chinese bus tour came and all the pools were jam packed with people. We spent about an hour and a half at the baths which was a good amount of time.

For dinner we went for Indian food at a restaurant called Indian Star. We saw it yesterday and it was full for of people for an Indian birthday party. We figured if it was good enough for a large Indian birthday party, it must be good! We shared four different types of curries, garlic naan, basmati rice, two mango lassis and a Kingfisher beer for $94.80 NZD = $83.60 CAD. We enjoyed everything we ordered. We were all surprised that we finished everything. I guess we were all hungry!

Garlic naan, two vegetarian curries (Jess and Robin), ,chicken tikka masala , and butter chicken (for Tim and I)
Garlic naan, two vegetarian curries (Jess and Robin), ,chicken tikka masala , and butter chicken (for Tim and I)

After dinner we drove for about 2.5 hours to get to a town called, Waitomo, which is a major tourist attraction for its caves and for Hobbiton (Hobbit and LOTR tours). On the way there, Tim pulled over and we looked at the stars for about 15 minutes (it was really cold out, 5°C!) and it was beautiful. I guess I don’t get that far out away from cities because I haven’t seen that many stars before. I turned around to hug Tim and I missed a shooting star that everyone saw. Oh well…

We arrived at our hotel, which is a historic (old) hotel called, Waitomo Caves Hotel. The hotel looked nice as we drove up to it. It has a lot of character and we were really happy with our two bedroom room ($125 CAD/night). Since Jess and Robin had a larger bed in Auckland, they took the two single beds in the other room while Tim and I get to enjoy the larger bed. I’m pretty sure this is supposed to be a family room, so we got the “parent’s room” and they’re in the children’s bedroom.

Our bed for the night
Our bed for the night

We made some tea and tried some of the other NZ cookies we bought before heading to bed. We’re planning on waking up a bit earlier tomorrow to see what cave tours we can join. We couldn’t book anything online since they required 2 days notice for advanced bookings so we’ll have to go to the visitor centre to see what we can get.

Steps today: 10,000

Coromandel (Day 91): Cathedral Cove & Pauanui Beach

May 30, 2016

Today, we were up and ready to go around 9:30am. Jess and Robin made us some cheese bagels for breakfast and we were off on our New Zealand road trip. Our plan for today was to go to Coromandel, which is a peninsula on the eastern side of the North Island. The drive was about 2.5 hours from Auckland (165km), which was much shorter than our drives down the east coast of Australia. We had some hikes in mind so we were hoping the weather would be cooperative. The weather was a mixed bag of sudden downpours and then bright blue skies, so we saw a lot of rainbows on our drive.

Motorway out of Auckland
Heading east towards the coast to Coromandel
New Zealand weather is all over the place. We saw a lot of rainbows.
One of the first rainbows we saw on our way to Coromandel.

New Zealand is really beautiful because everything is so vibrantly green. There’s so many rolling green hills and mountainous terrain, so I get why people say it’s like Canada in a lot of ways.

Typical scenery from the car
Typical scenery from the car
You can't really tell from this pictures but it's pouring
You can’t really tell from this pictures but it’s pouring while super sunny.
Winding roads on our way to Cathedral Cove in Coromandel
Winding roads on our way to Cathedral Cove in Coromandel

The drive to Cathedral Cove in Coromandel was like driving on the Sea to Sky, except a lot narrower. We were lucky that we missed all the rain by the time we got to our first stop. The hike to Cathedral Cove was only about 45 minutes, so not too long. It seemed like every portion of the hike to the cove was very picturesque. The combination of the bright green grass, lush forests, and the bright blue Pacific Ocean was breathtaking. The view of the smaller islands reminded me of home. It was sort of like all the islands around Howe Sound. We know we’ve taken living in British Columbia for granted because it’s so beautiful there already and we haven’t really explored it as much as we could. We’ve met other tourists during our trip, who after finding out that we’re from Vancouver, go on about how beautiful it is and ask if we’ve been to all these different places on Vancouver Island. Then we both shamefully say no. I guess that’ll be something we’d like to discover more when we’re back.

The start of the Cathedral Cove hike which weaves up and down the mountain to get to the beach.
The start of the Cathedral Cove hike which weaves up and down the mountain to get to the beach.
We spotted a bunch of wild goat in the bushes
We spotted a bunch of wild goat in the bushes
Ocean view to one side and rolling green hills on the left
Ocean view to one side and rolling green hills on the left
Most of the forested pathways were just a nice stroll. There were a lot of stairs and inclines that I did not take pictures of.
Most of the forested pathways were just a nice stroll. There were a lot of stairs and inclines that I did not take pictures of.

When we finally made it to the beach, it was very beautiful. There were some tourists around but since it was down season in New Zealand (winter starts on June 1), there wasn’t crowds. It made for a nice and peaceful time at Cathedral Cove.

At Cathedral Cove beach
At Cathedral Cove beach
Robin and Tim's silhouettes while walking under Cathedral Cove
Robin and Tim’s silhouettes while walking under Cathedral Cove
The four of us with the Cathedral Cove in the background
The four of us with the Cathedral Cove in the background
Jess always takes such nice photos. Here's her in action!
Jess always takes such nice photos. Here’s her in action
Ferns galore in New Zealand
Ferns galore in New Zealand
Stingray Bay - Walked down to this beach on the way back to the car
Stingray Bay – Walked down to this beach on the way back to the car
I sat on a rock under this tree while watching a heron hunt for fish
I sat on a rock under this tree while watching a heron hunt for fish

The morning and early afternoon flew by as we were taking in all the beautiful scenery. We drove to a town called Tairua to see what they had for lunch options. After walking up and down their “Main Street”, we decided to give Aaron’s Kitchen a shot. They advertised fish & chips, burgers, sushi, and Asian food! We figured Aaron was Asian so we went to support him (Tim: I just wanted fish and chips)… Plus the menu looked the best.

Aaron's Kitchen in Taipua
Aaron’s Kitchen in Tairua
Main Street in Tairua
Main Street in Tairua
Tim had fish and chips ($8.50 NZD = $7.40 CAD) and I had Aaron's Beef Burger ($9.50 NZD = $8.30 CAD)
Tim had fish and chips ($8.50 NZD = $7.40 CAD) and I had Aaron’s Beef Burger ($9.50 NZD = $8.30 CAD)
New Zealand burgers have a fried egg and sliced beet in them. It was juicy and tasty!
New Zealand burgers have a fried egg and sliced beet in them. It was juicy and tasty!
L&P soda is a New Zealand drink that is "lemonish" as it says on the can
L&P soda is a New Zealand drink that is “lemonish” as it says on the can

The food at Aaron’s Kitchen was actually really good. If you’re ever in Tairua, I would recommend trying it out! We were quite pleased with our meal except Jess’ veggie burger didn’t have avocado because they apparently did not get any from their supplier. When we went across the street to the grocery store, we saw avocados were selling for $6 NZD each – no wonder they weren’t in her burger.

After lunch we headed to Pauanui Beach for another hike. Since the sun was going to be setting soon we only got to do part of the trail and had to turn back before it got dark. The trail was along the coastline of the beach and it lead us to some really cool volcanic flat rocks that lined most of the beach at one point. This area was very peaceful and we caught the sun setting from here so it made for really nice way to end our day.

Pauanui Beach
Pauanui Beach
The hill in the background has houses built all over it
The hill in the background has houses built all over it
On the trail at Pauanui Beach
On the trail at Pauanui Beach
Robin checking out the volcanic rocks
Robin checking out the volcanic rocks
Super clear water
Super clear water
Tim hanging out on the flat rocks
Tim hanging out on the flat rocks
Brought out the selfie stick
Brought out the selfie stick
So peaceful here
So peaceful here

We got into the car and headed to our stop for the night, Rotorua, where we’d be spending the day tomorrow. The drive was pretty hard since the roads were super winding for most of the drive. Luckily, Tim was very alert and got us to Rotorua safely after 2.5 hours. We checked into Rydges Hotel (which is a hotel chain in Australia & NZ), dropped off our bags, and headed out to find dinner. Our options were quite limited since it was around 9pm already. We drove to the city’s “CBD” where we found a lot of Indian and Thai restaurants. But we ended up going to McDonald’s in the end.

First time ordering salad at McDonald's, a grilled chicken at that ($10.50 NZD = $9.18 CAD) and butter chicken pie ($4.50 NZD = $3.90 CAD)
First time ordering salad at McDonald’s. A grilled chicken salad ($10.50 NZD = $9.18 CAD) and butter chicken pie ($4.50 NZD = $3.90 CAD) and frozen coke ($1 NZD = $0.88 CAD)

After dinner we came back to the hotel, washed up, and did a bit more research about what we’re going to do in Rotorua tomorrow. The city is a hot spring so the city (and even our room) smells like sulphur (rotten eggs).

Steps today: 14,000